Google AdSense is a CPC (cost-per-click)-based advertising program that allows website owners to earn revenue from the ads installed. Since its first appearance, many website owners have competed to register as an AdSense publisher in Indonesia. It is proven that until now there have been around 2 million more AdSense publishers spread all over the world and every year it is always increasing.
Google Adsense can be a great way to make some extra cash. However, it can be difficult to get approved. Here are a few tips to quickly get approved:
1. Make sure your website is well-designed.
If your website looks amateur, it will likely be rejected. Improve the appearance of your website. You can do this by changing the color, font used, background and so on. Make your website easy for browsers to load. Make sure there are no errors when the website is loaded. Create a website with the best performance. You can use lighthouse to test your website.
2. Make sure your website is relevant to your keywords.
If your website is not related to your keywords, Google may not approve it. Keywords that match your content are important in attracting visitors, if your keywords do not match the content of your website, visitors will be disappointed and leave your website. and maybe these disappointed visitors never come back to visit your website. In addition to having an impact on the loss of visitors, keywords that do not match the content of the website will also have an impact on rejection when you try to flatten your website on Google Adsense.
3. Make sure your website is well-written.
Poor grammar and poor writing will likely disqualify your website from being approved. Good article writing can also make your website visitors feel at home for a long time reading your article. It can also attract their interest to come back to visit your website at a later time. You can use tools to write articles such as grammarly and so on so that your article writing results are better.
4. Make sure your website is easy to navigate.
Poor navigation will likely disqualify your website from being approved. Do not create circular navigation or hidden navigation that makes it difficult for visitors to access it. Make the navigation simple first. Later, if your website has been approved by Google Adsense, you can change the navigation to your liking
5. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.
Poor mobile design will likely disqualify your website from being approved. Now there are more mobile users than desktop users. So you have to make your website mobile friendly.
6. Create 20 articles of minimum.
If your articles less than 20 articles will likely disqualify your website from being approved. on the grounds of low content value. So make a lot of articles but quality ones, not the results of copy and paste from other websites. Copy paste articles will be rejected by Google Adsense.
7. Use custom domain.
Use default domain from blogger will likely disqualify your website from being approved.
8. Your domain age must be more than a month.
If domain age lees than 1 month will likely disqualify your website from being approved.
Okay, that's enough for now from me, if you have any questions, please comment in the comments column. If something goes wrong I apologize. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.